About Us
To fulfill our mission statement, we strive to create and support collaborative invasive species management among partners which include: federal and state agencies, municipalities, tribes, nonprofits, and community organizations within our 5 counties. Partners show their support of the CM-CISMA by signing a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) stating that they will work with us as a team to manage invasive species. Because invasive species know no boundaries, these relationships are important for effective management. Partnerships can also allow access to new sources of funding and increase implementation efficiency. If you are interested in becoming a partner, please contact us! If you would like to see where we are headed and our upcoming goals, to see if partnering with us is for you, check out our strategic plan below and feel free to contact us with any questions you have.
Along with partners, we also strive to promote invasive species education and outreach, inventory and prevention, and control activities for organizations and private landowners. If you are a landowner in need of a resource for identifying a species and/or ways to combat those species, please contact us!
If you are interested in more information about how the Central Michigan CISMA is structured, our goals and how we plan on fulfilling those, feel free to check out our strategic plan below.
The Steering Committee meets on a monthly bases, sometimes through zoom but increasingly in-person. Wondering what we've been up to? Please feel free to ask for a copy of our meeting minutes.
The following organizations are on our steering committee. These organizations contribute to guiding the work of the CISMA and overall support of the CISMA. Without these organizations, we could not make the impact that we do; thank you for your support of the Central Michigan CISMA and all the work you do with invasive species in our area.
Chippewa Nature Center
Clare Conservation District
Forest Hill Nature Area/Gratiot - Isabella RESD
Gladwin Conservation District
Gladwin County Road Commission
Gratiot Conservation District
Midland County Road Commission
Midland Conservation District
Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe
The Little Forks Conservancy
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
*Click on a logo to learn more!*
As mentioned above, partners in all capacities are important to the success of the CISMA. The below organizations are those in addition to the partners that are on our steering committee, who support the CISMA in varies forms.
Chippewa Watershed Conservancy
Isabella Conservation District
Lily Lakes Association
Midland County Parks and Recreation
Mt. Pleasant Parks and Recreation
City of Midland