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Priority Species

Watch list species are species that have not been found in Michigan or have been in small, unestablished amounts. It is important to find theses species early so we can control and eradicate them before it is too late. 


You can help by becoming familiar with these species and reporting them to your CISMA or through the MISIN reporting app. 


Find more information about these species and others on the watch list at

Includes: Hand Saw, Loppers, Handy-brush puller (removes trees 1/2" - 1").

Includes: Hand Saw, Loppers, Handy-brush puller (removes trees 1/2" - 1").

Includes: Hand Saw, Loppers, Handy-brush puller (removes trees 1/2" - 1").

Includes: Hand Saw, Loppers, Handy-brush puller (removes trees 1/2" - 1").

Includes: Hand Saw, Loppers, Handy-brush puller (removes trees 1/2" - 1").

Includes: Hand Saw, Loppers, Handy-brush puller (removes trees 1/2" - 1").

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