Central Michigan CISMA
Clare - Gladwin - Gratiot - Isabella - Midland
To protect and improve the natural resources, economy, and human health in Central Michigan through collaborative outreach and management of invasive exotic species.


What are invasive species, and why should we care?
Invasive species are plants, animals, or insects that are not native to a location and have a negative impact on the area and it's species. Therefore, because these species do not have natural predators in their non-native locations, they can quickly spread and destroy the area's they invade.
Priority Species in our Counties
With a large amount of species invading our counties, we must prioritize which to combat first. Here is a list of how we prioritize species in our area: Priority Species. This list is a living document that will change over time as new species may be introduced to our area or become more widespread.
We are currently in the process of creating a new Priority Species list and will be sure to make note when it gets officially posted. We are excited to share it with everyone in the near future.